We are now closed until March 1st 2025. Bookings can still be made during this time.
It is very highly recommended that participants have ambulance cover. Basic first aid is available on site however for major injuries an ambulance would be called.
Mobile phones do not work in the area, great for forgetting about the world but not so good in an emergency. However we would recommend if someone needed to contact you that you give them our contact details before leaving and in any emergency whilst visiting Castletop you would need to go to either of the houses on the property to use the phone.
Motorcycles are dangerous and can inflict serious injury or worse kill both the rider or other people.
Acknowledgement, Release & Indemnity
Before entry and riding on "CASTLETOP", all riders and their associates will be required to complete and sign an Acknowledge, Release & Indemnity Form.
Entry to Bike Territory and or riding without fully completing and submitting an Acknowledgement, Release & Indemnity Form will be treated as trespassing and you will be removed from the property.
Before entry and riding on "CASTLETOP", all riders and their associates will be required to complete and sign an Acknowledge, Release & Indemnity Form.
Riders and their associates ride on this property entirely at their own risk.
Riders and their associates acknowledge that:
motorcycles riding can be dangerous and that engaging in this sport on this property could expose them to certain risks and dangers
they may be injured or killed
their bikes or equipment may be damaged or destroyed
other riders on the property may ride dangerously or with lack of skill,
tracks may be hazardous
there are trees, rocks, stumps, gullies, hills, jumps, ruts, bumps, livestock- including cattle & sheep, fallen timber, wire, fences both METAL and timber, gates & ramps
wildlife and many other hazards and dangers, on "CASTLETOP"
numerous hazards and dangers exist on "CASTLETOP" which may not have warning signs indicating those dangers and which may vary without warning.
there may be no adequate facilities for treatment or transport for riders from the place of injury if they are injured.
accept the venue as it stands with all or any defects hidden or exposed.
Due to the nature of this sport, the property owners and organisers require ALL RIDERS MUST wear a helmet, goggles, covered boots and gloves. They also RECOMMEND that all riders wear complete protective clothing including: helmet, 0ff-road motorcycling boots, gloves, goggles, elbow guards, body armour, kidney belt, kneeguards, nylons, spine protector, neck pad, knee braces and hydration pack.
All riders MUST also declare that they have purchased appropriate accident and sickness insurance and other insurance policies, which will provide for themselves and or their families financially if they are injured or killed or any property lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed whilst on "CASTLETOP" including but not limited to Medicare, ambulance cover, private health insurance, life insurance, third party insurance, comprehensive motorcycle insurance, personal injury insurance, permanent disability insurance and income protection insurance.
Due to "CASTLETOP" being a fully working agricultural property, many of the industrial practises, equipment and animals involved have the potential to be dangerous and so should be avoided.
Riders should only use grids and bikeramps if available and where provided to avoid the use of gates.
Where a gate is opened it must be shut by the same person and in the same state it was found.
Persons responsible for incorrectly closing gates will be responsible for the cost of rectification of problems caused. In extreme cases this could be hundreds of dollars due to wages for staff to muster and draft stock.